Sunday, April 10, 2022



‘We’re global laggards’: Inside the FDA’s Byzantine and broken food division

Ukraine demands strong global response to train station attack; EU  candidacy within months

Soros backs radical anti-police Democrats ahead of midterms

Academy slaps back … Will Smith banned from Oscars …

Campaign finance watchdog issues massive fine for foreign national’s Trump super PAC donations

Reversing globalization could cause pain and profit for companies

Russian companies get billions from Biden’s new Iran nuclear deal

Kramtorsk station massacre … Horror: Moscow missile kills at least 50 civilians waiting to evacuate  …

Judge finds city had no legal right to yank license for Trump’s Bronx golf course

Elon Musk says Tesla may have to get into the lithium battery business because costs  are so ‘insane’

Jury in Gov. Whitmer’s ‘kidnapping’ case acquits two defendents — deadlocks on two others

Leading Proud Boys member pleads guilty to  Capitol riot charges …


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