Thursday, March 31, 2022

It Dribbles Out

More suggestive evidence of 2020 voter fraud has come forward … see: Powerline Post. Pilgrim, may I suggest that this analysis is important not because the 2020 election can be redone … but because the flaws need to be corrected before we vote again.

John Hinderaker makes the same point I made after the Maricopa, AZ audit … once the mail-in ballot is separated from its envelope … any amount of fraud discovered with the envelope after the fact … cannot be corrected.

Like that movie “Liar, Liar” where Jim Carrey is compelled to blurt out the unvarnished truth … and as we have seen much of lately, Biden’s dementia seems not to allow him to suppress the truth from off-the-cuff comments (Russian regime change, 82nd Airborne into Ukraine, etc., etc.) suggests to me his pre-election bragging about Dems voter fraud preparations was not a slip of the tongue.

As I have said in my blog, why can’t the Biden gang run the country as well as they stole the election?

Even more important … is not the Jan 6 Pelosi Star Chamber just an attempt to squash this inquiry into and correct this massive voter fraud by labeling it an attempt to “overturn the election?” Now you understand … the fraud continues …


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