Sunday, March 13, 2022



Rewarding bad behavior almost always begets more bad behavior. — Age-old Adage

All of the escalations in the Ukraine war have been advanced by Russia. All possible escalations that could have been done by the United States and/or NATO have been abandoned. This trend augers poorly for the future of this conflict. — Fletcher

Afterthought: We can be reasonably sure that Putin will keep escalating this war. The longer it takes for Biden and NATO to push back, the more likely things will spin out of control. — Fletcher

After afterthought: The Iran mullahs have  clearly been taking lessons from Putin,



  1. Just What is it that you think US and NATO should do? Should we send in the Marines? Draft our grandsons?

  2. You always come back to your idee fixe … sending in American troops, No! How about allowing the Polish MIGs … unleashing American energy production? If we wait to escalate until Article 5 is invoked, then it is too late. (Although, I think Biden would find a weasel backdown even then.)

  3. And, assuming this worked, at some point, impose a limited no-fly zone (like in Kosovo under Clinton) based on the fact that we guaranteed Ukraine sovereignty after it gave up its nukes in the early 1990s.

  4. The Biden administration didn’t oppose the Polish government giving Kyiv the MiGs. You cons always look for reasons to trot-out "more energy production", despite the fact that it would not make any difference in the near term. The current economic isolation of Russia will be the most effective escalation. Avoiding the ultimate confrontation makes good sense to me.
    Remember it was Trump signaling to Putin that he did not care about Ukraine that has led to this sad situation. You Cons are complicit in undermining US leadership in time of international crisis. Shame.

  5. Wrong again beer breath … see:

    And Trump sent no such signal to Putin about Ukraine. And we won’t accept references that contain dingle berries.

    Please stay more up to date on things before you unleash your sniper fire.

  6. OK in future I'll get my news from Fox directly instead of the cracker breath echo chamber.

  7. Does your TV have any Fox channels?
