Friday, March 18, 2022

Amateur Shrink


I wish I were a cool-headed psychiatrist and could intuit why so many people have a visceral hatred of Donald Trump … so much so that they would disgard their moral compass or even act against their own better interests … both of which are prices the never-Trumpers seem more than willing to pay.

As an amateur shrink I feel that this deep-seated hatred is not based on the obvious. It is not really Trump’s “different”appearance. It is not due to his “ill-gotten”wealth. It is not his clumsy speaking style. It is not his personal habits, including his trysts. It is not his compulsion to speak his mind. It is not his vanity. These are symptoms … not the  “root cause.”

Yes, all these are claimed rationales … but are not fundamental. So what is it?

My best amateur guess is that anyone who considers themselves as in-the-know, find Trump’s policies were so unconventional as to be dangerous. And … the worst part … is that he had been mostly right!

And, salt in the wound, is so many of the we deplorables support this charlatan. We apparently are ignoring all these elites’ world-view “insights.” 

So, dear Pilgrim, the elites must, if their solutions are to survive, attribute every evil attribute imagined to the orange man … all in the hope that we rube Americans will see the error of their ways … and join the righteous in canceling this clown.

This is the best I can do Pilgrim …



  1. There you go again. Trump is a brash NYC realtor playboy with some dicey financing ventures. He is a fun guy, an All-American man. But as commander-in-chief who refuses to be informed, made many decisions by simply canceling deals that had been negotiated, and does not even have the decency to admit defeat in an election over a year ago while spouting all kinds what-I-would-do and what-biden-is-doing-wrong. Donald J. Trump should STFU and do what he does best: Play golf.

  2. Is bashing Trump defending Biden? If so, your mind is broken.

  3. Your premise was the hatred of Trump. There was no defending of Biden in my comment.

  4. I try to imagine the state funeral for Trump as he ascends to the right hand of God. There will be wailing and tears as the millions pass by his body as it lies in state, probably at Mar-A-Lago. There will be in-fighting to see who can take over his momentum.

  5. I give up. Get off the couch.

  6. Thank you. I feel much better. As you gave up I assume that there is no charge.
