Sunday, February 06, 2022

Ukraine Thoughts


Putin feigns sleep as Ukraine enters Olympics

- I thought that the U.N. was created to step up when peace was threatened? This august institution is so far in the shadows over the current Ukraine crisis that it might as well not exist.

- Right now the only source of Russian pipelined gas and oil into Europe runs through the Ukraine. … that is, until the Nord Stream pipeline under the Baltic Sea is opened. What happens, in the midst of the European winter, if a Russian invasion of the Ukraine shuts down this vital energy source to Europe?

- If Russia readsorbes Ukraine back into its orb, will Burisma Holdings rehire Hunter Biden as a director at $1M per?

- If Russia invades Ukraine and, simultaneously China attacks Taiwan, Iran announces an atomic bomb and NKorea lobs a missile on Guam … will Joe Biden still spend much of his time hiding out in Delaware?

- When the USSR dissolved around 1990, there were atomic weapons in Ukraine. As party to the Budapest Accord the United States guaranteed that if it destroyed these weapons, it’s security would be assured. Ukraine destroyed these weapons which might still have been used to deter a Russian invasion. So, what about our guarantee?

- I have a strong suspicion that Biden has already agreed with Putin that Russia can annex a chunk of eastern Ukraine and we won’t do anything about it.



  1. Would you send your grandchildren to fight for Ukraine?

  2. No, but Hunter Biden might be a good candidate.
