Thursday, February 17, 2022



Jan. 6 panel seeks phone records of security official employed by Alex Jones

NATO says Russia is increasing troop numbers at Ukrainian border, calls for talks

GOP senators issue ultimatum to Democrats: Defund COVID vax mandates or we’re not funding government

PrinceAndrew settles sex suit … $16 million payment … on queen’s order …

European Union tempts Africa away from Chinese influence

Oil could vault as high as $150, veteran analyst warns, as under supply meets surging demand

Biden warns Russian attack on Ukraine still possible — leaves without taking questions

Super Bowl viewership tops 112 million … best in 7 years

Canada defends emergency action as way to stop ‘overthrow’

Moderna CEO says it’s ‘reasonable’ to think the pandemic might be in its final stages

Producer prices soar 9.7% year-over-year — near highest on record

NBC nearly mum on China abuses in wall-to-wall Olympics coverage …


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