Saturday, February 26, 2022

Decision Point


We are rapidly closing in on a decision point for Russia … whether to go balls out in Ukraine … or to continue its pussyfooting around in its attempt to cow this country. Obviously Putin thought that his overwhelming military force would steamroll Volodymyr Zelensky and his army. So far this hasn’t happened — the country’s electric power is mostly on … it’s command and control is still operational … the resupply of the Ukrainian army continues … much country transport still is running … and Zelensky can still rally his people.

But Russia should be able to correct these problems overnight with overwhelming destructive kinetics. I expect Putin thought that this country would fold and sue for peace. And the United States even offered to extract Zelensky from his hiding place to a neutral country. To his great credit Volodymyr said, “No thanks Brandon.”

So the calculus for Putin is should he … continue this slog and keep losing green troops and the world’s  deference … or lower the hammer at great cost to this country’s infrastructure and population … or pack up his bags and leave in humiliation.

I suspect that Putin will choose the hammer option. The other two choices are anathema to China and Vladimir’s misguided crusade.

If you are religious, pray for the Ukrainians. If not, pray anyway.


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