Friday, February 25, 2022

A Cold Dose of Reality

Vladimir Putin is a very evil man … one who would spill the blood of an orphanage for the betterment of Mother Russia. If you wish to know what is happening now in Ukraine in the cold light of reality, read W. Lewis Amselem’s  back-to-form blog on Biden and Putin’s one-sided joust: Biden Disaster Biden Disaster Biden Disaster Biden  Disaster.

Then read it again. And again, if necessary.

This man pulls no punches … you probably won’t like his assessment of things … but kind reader, he is a whole lot closer to understanding the what and the why of things than anyone of our current policy makers in Washington.

And yes, the DiploMad liked Trump … for many of the same reason he fears Putin. Perhaps if you can understand this, you might see why we, who voted for Trump, saw him as our only possible path forward.

Afterward: And for dessert, read: John Hinderaker.

After afterward: A kind reader sent the following link which further adds to our understanding of Vladimir … see: Thanks GSM!



  1. Your "cold reality" is merely a churlish screed of ad hominem attacks against those you despise. I did not see any useful ideas to prevent or confront Putin in Ukraine. Are you willing to send your grandchildren to fight for Ukraine? I'm not.

  2. You read my thoughts and rearrange them into your wordy prejudices. Even bumbling Biden doesn’t yet want to meat grind our troops.

  3. DEM read the attachment Note: In 2019, the Ukrainian arm of the family of Orthodox churches declared its independence from the Russian Orthodox Church — and the nominal head of the Orthodox family, Bartholomew I of Constantinople, supported it. The Ukrainian president, Petro Poroshenko, described this as “a great victory for the devout Ukrainian nation over the Moscow demons, a victory of good over evil, light over darkness”. That's what Putin wants to correct. I suspect that he'll stop after that.

  4. A religious zealot spends billions to punish apostates? Seems like a stretch to me.
