Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Today’s Poser

Route I-95 near Fredericksburg, Virginia has been in a traffic snarl for almost two days because of some jackknifed semi-trailer trucks and a major snowstorm. Hundreds of internal combustion vehicles there have been stranded there for more than 12 hours and, trying to stay warm, have run out of gas. However, refueling them has been a pretty simple matter.

But, turn the calendar forward ten years … how are we going to recharge many hundred electric vehicles when they are so remotely stranded?

Just one of these extended traffic jam predicaments should be enough for most EV enthusiasts to rethink their green decisions. (And, of course, there will be many more snowstorms because global warming will be a thing of the past.)

Afterwar —  See: Powerline thoughts.


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