Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Sanity Test

You might be nutso if you believe:

The only hope for humanity is to colonize Mars …

Carbon dioxide is an air pollutant …

COVID-19 started in a Wuhan wet-market …

Getting rid of jails and the police will deter crime …

Paying big bucks for non-fungible tokens makes sense …

Anthony Fauci is a benign genius …

The Earth is only a few years away from burning up …

We have to keep cows from farting …

Politicians are looking out for us …

Inflation is caused by racism …

All elections are fair and square …

All Muslims are peace-loving …

Current “vaccines” will save us from the COVID pandemic …

Jeff Zuckerberg is not an alien invader …

Any 3 positive answers suggest you should check yourself in …


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