Monday, January 03, 2022

Revisiting January 6th, 2021 (Updated)

- President Trump offered Nancy Pelosi 10,000 National Guard troops to protect the Capitol on J6. This offer was rejected. See: Daily Mail story.

- The invasion of the Capitol started taking place while President Trump was still speaking to his assembled supporters about a mile away … where he urged them to show their support “in peace.” See: PJMedia timeline.

- Ray Epps and as many as 20 other FBI operatives were urging a Capitol invasion and are in the vanguard breaking down the few barriers to the Capitol. See; “”  It seems that none of these agent provocateurs have been charged or arrested.

- Thousands of hours of video footage of the actual Capitol invasion have not been released to the public … much of it showing Capitol police inviting demonstrator into the Capitol … and “rioters” ambling through the building. Only scenes of violence have been released. See: Politico story.

- Nancy Pelosi was in charge of Capitol security … see: CNN story … and is even rumored to have called the House cafeteria during  the “insurrection” to find out what it was serving for lunch.

- Although called an “insurrection,” no guns were found on any of the Capitol invaders … nor have any of those arrested been charged with the crime of insurrection. See: MSN article. Very few with actual violent acts … mostly trespassing and illegal parading on government property … although most are being treated as though it were … this is shameful judicial overreach.  And the only person shot was Ashli Babbitt, a Trump supporter.

- Why have the wheels of Justice in these cases been gringpding so slowly? Many of those charged have been in jail for almost a year … without the chance of bail and often in solitary confinement. Have the 2020 Antifa and BLM rioters, who performed far more serious crimes been treated this way?  See: The Daily Beast story.

- Interestingly enough, Pelosi’s Jan 6 Committee is expected to offer its final report right before the 2022 midterm elections. See: HuffPost story. Is this justice or is it politics?

Afterward: How come as many as five other Capitol rioters were using identical megaphone to that used by Ray Epps? Were they possibly government-issued? See: GLA News revelations. Is the Jan 6 Committee investigating these possible set-up issues? No? Why not?

And, of the four people who died during the Capitol invasion (Officer Brian Sicknick died the next day of a stroke), two died of heart attacks, one of a drug overdose and only one died from violence, Ashli Babbitt, who was shot by a freightened Capitol Hill policeman … who has not been charged with her murder. See: WPXI Report.



  1. This post contains so much misinformation that it would get you banned from Twitter for life.
    1. Trump *says* he offered NG troops. No one else can confirm this, and Trump is known for saying things that are not true. The MSM story simply quotes Trump's claim, with no supportive evidence. 2. Some invaders did start while he was still speaking. Palpable evidence that the attack was planned by the stop the steal mob. Trump's movements and actions for the following hours will be revealed soon. The PJmedia source was dated Jan 15, 2021. A More accurate timeline is known now. 3. Can you prove that Epps is an FBI Agent? He's a Trump activist. He was formerly President of a white supremacy group. One guy on the tape calls him a Fed. That does not constitute proof. Maybe he flipped and cut a deal *after* the attack? 4. The Politico story does not support your assertion. You say only the violent scenes have been released. This is just wrong. We have all seen the footage you claim has been withheld.
    5. Again the CNN story referenced clearly states that Mich McConnel and Nancy Pelosi have equal authority for Capital security. There is no mention of the "rumor" that she was asking about lunch. 6. At last, a nugget of fact: that there were no guns used by the mob. That does not mean no weapons, there were also plastic handcuffs found on at least one invader. The agent who shot Babbit was in fear of his life (you approved of this reasonong in the Rittenhouse case) 7. The wheels of justice go more slowly when defendants Lawyer-up. This is how Trump and his acolytes stay out of jail thus far. I do not believe the charge by sketchy sources that "many" are in solitary and not able to be bailed. That certainly would not constitute justice. Many of the violent BLM and Antifa rioters were jailed and punished for the riots last year. You could look it up if you wanted to know the truth.
    Note that I have argued against what you wrote *using the sources you cited* Please don't respond with a barrage of more sketchy unsupported claims from biased sources.

  2. Most of your arguments are fanciful suppositions with no supporting evidence. Even the FBI has stated that the Capitol invasion was not preplanned. (Since you chose to ignore my evidence, I’ll let you do the search.) You haven’t explained why no one has been charged with insurrection. If you have a more accurate timeline, please provide it. There were 100k Trump supporters in DC and only 440 have been charged? Funny? If Trump didn’t offer the NG, then Nancy Pelosi should swear under oath to her committee this was the case. I can’t believe that, if a trespasser has been held in jail for a year that an obvious ring leader is still free.? Who was he whispering to before he pushed over the Capitol barrier? Perhaps Pelosi’s committee could ask him under oath if he was associated with the FBI? Why hasn’t this happened already? Also do your own search as to the lack of legal representation for those detained. And please name names and sentences for any Antifa and BLM who have been brought to justice over months of arson,looting, personal attacks even murders? One would think that real weapons would be involved in a planned insurrection. Are the plastic handcuffs, zip ties? We’re they used? How was Ashli Babbitt threatening her murder’s life? If seems like we have repeatedly learned, he overreacted and should be brought to trial for manslaughter at least.
    The J6 committee would have credability if it were truly bipartisan. It is obviously not … and is therefore a partisan joke

  3. McCarthy would not agree to a bi-partisan commission. The partisan joke is on you.
    I did not ignore your "evidence." I read the source material that your cited and concluded that it did not support your conspiratorial assertions. I cannot find info on actual sentences but "74-people-facing-federal-charges-crimes-committed-during-portland-demonstrations Since May 26, 2020, federal law enforcement authorities have arrested 100 people for crimes committed during local demonstrations..." See this link for names and individual charges:
    You won't find these facts on your spittle-flecked radical/Q'anon sources.

  4. McCarthy pulled back only when Pelosi rejected 2 nominees. Is this bipartisan? See; “ ”. And I sincerely doubt if few or any of the Portland criminals (arson, looting, rioting, personal attacks, etc,) are still in jail or if any were arrested for trespassing. And Kamala organized the bail money … whereas few if any of the Jan. 6 prisoners have even been allowed bail.
