Sunday, January 09, 2022

Maricopa Gorilla Dust (Updated)


Understandingly the Maricopa County Board of Elections has responded to the Senate-ordered audit of its running of the 2020 presidential election … and at first blush things do not look good for Trump and the company that ran the audit, Cyber Ninjas, which has been forced out of business by an Arizona court. The Board of Elections response has found numerous false and misleading claims in the audit … see: Board of Elections Response … and the Internet is abuzz with the assumption that the election was valid after all.

Not so fast all you Trump haters. And let me explain. There are, to me, three things that the original audit covered:

1) Problems with the equipment (computers, counting equipment, internet) and databases

2) Problems with the ballots themselves (bleed through, wrong paper, mutilation, etc)

3) Problems discovered in checking the envelopes that contained the mail-in ballots (from which the actual ballots had been separated)

Now, kind pilgrim, the vast majority of the errors or misrepresentations found in the audit of the audit were in categories 1) and 2). … which I will stipulate as being valid … but, frankly mean little in the grand scheme of things. It was what the original audit found amiss with 3), the mail-in envelopes, that is the important clue to the election malfeasance. And, kind reader, if you will return to the Board of Elections refutations above, you will notice only a handful of errors in the tens of thousands of invalid envelopes that had been found wanting in the original audit … and which should have been disqualified before their ballots were removed from same and allowed to be counted.

Remember, Biden won Arizona by less than 12,000 votes … whereas there are still almost 60,000 mail-in envelopes which are invalid … almost as many as before this red-herring response from the county election officials. This means that the ballots that had been contained in these envalopes are also invalid. The rub, of course, is we can’t identify these ballots and for whom they voted. Am I allowed to guess?

So, pilgrim, I have to conclude that this audit of the audit is more flawed than the original one … and is throwing up gorilla dust to try to preserve the notion of election integrity … when no such claim is supported … notwithstanding the court’s decisions and Cyber Ninja’s bankruptcy … which, had it concentrated on 3) … instead of its overreach with 1) and 2) … would still be in business.

Afterward: Even if these invalid ballots favored Biden over Trump just 60-40, Trump would have prevailed in AZ.


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