Saturday, January 29, 2022



A suicide hotline’s use of data echoes Silicon Valley’s privacy databases

One positive trend emerges in earning’s season so far. Dividend investing is back

Biden pledges to nominate black woman to SCOTUS by end of February

Florida sees highest 7-day COVID death average since October …

NYC mayor blasts Palin for dining while infected with COVID-19

Apple CEO Tim Cook: ‘Everybody’s seeing inflationary pressure’

DHS’ Mayorkas admits border situation ‘The worst in 20 years — if not ever’ in leaked audio

Artic chill Miami … East Coast braces for billizard bomb …

Fannie Mae urges more flood disclosures for homebuyers

CNBC survey: 81% of adults with student loans say they have had to delay key life milestones

Sweden won’t recommend jabs for kids …



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