Sunday, January 30, 2022

Garbage In, Garbage Out

A Twitter tweet I found … derived  from a taken-down Facebook entry … claims the following:

“115,252 registered voters have been on the rolls for over 100 years in Wisconsin.  Biden won in 2020 by 20,682.”

And, of course, it was immediently debunked … see: Politifact entry. (After all, that’s its job.)

Now pilgrim, there is obviously even more to this real story.  Let us assume that everything that Politifact claims is true.  But this still means that there are some 120,000 records in the Wisconsin voter registration database that have not been touched in perhaps 15 years.

This tells me two things: 1) Wisconsin is rather lax and sloppy in maintaining its voter registration database, and 2) over 15 years, a great many … perhaps most all of these records are for voters who have moved or died … and no longer are valid. (Note that phantom voters seldom show up for in-person voting.)

Now using this stale database to send out oodles of unsolicited mail-in ballots to these likely phantom voters is … and was … a recipe for voter fraud on a massive scale. The validity and integrity of such a election system rests entirely on the quality of the voter registration database. And the exigencies of the current pandemic did not permit such upgrades to take place.

Ergo — every reason to believe that the 2020 election was invalid in Wisconsin … and in any other state which had not maintained its voter registration database (Arizona, for instance.)



  1. Not so fast perfessor. The state sent out ballot APPLICATIONS to the registered voters. So the ballots were not unsolicited. It should be easy to prove the number of illegal ballots that were mailed in by the fraudsters.


  2. If the ballot applications are unsolicited, isn’t this just about the same thing? If the database is flawed, the unsolicited applications are flawed … since there is no one checking that applicants are who you say you are … and therefore their votes can also be flawed … particularly if you need not supply an auditable voter trail. By the bye, when you make an assertion, it would be nice if you provide a valid link.

  3. Since you seem to know without a doubt know how many dead or moved voters are on the rolls, it would be easy to compare those returned ballot envelopes - which they keep. Then you could state the number of illegal votes. But, alas, no one has brought forth such evidence. Anywhere. Valid links from sketchy sources are not useful, bye the bye.

  4. That would require a Maricopa-style audit … which hasn’t been authorized.

    And, of course, the audit trail has already been lost.

    I think that the average adult moves every 5 years.

    Actuaries could easily estimate the number of deaths. I’m not an actuary.

  5. Why don’t we know the following:

    How many unsolicited ballot applications were sent out in Wisconsin?

    Was there any process to insure that these requests for ballots were only sent out to valid voters?

    How many requests for ballots were returned?

    Was there any process to insure that these returned requests were the ones sent out?

    How many requested ballots were sent out?

    How many of these sent-out ballots were returned?

    Was there any mechanism to insure that only sent-out ballots were those that were returned?

    Just curious …
