Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Reader Contribution

 The following is a notice I recently received from Paul Rossi, the math teacher formally at Grace Church School in New York City who was bounced for his refusal to teach the woke “white privileged” claptrap. It’s called the American Experience Program … and includes Andrew Gutmann, the New York father who pulled his daughter from the prestigious Brearley School for much the same reasoning.

I include it here in case any of you kind readers may want to attend.

(Sorry, I can’t seem to be able to resize it to fit … but I think clicking on it might work — Fletcher)


The American Experience Program

Wednesday, January 12, 2022
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EST

Please join us on Wednesday, January 12 for an open house to learn about the Manhattan Institute's "American Experience Program."

Beginning this February, Manhattan Institute—together with educators Andrew Gutmann and Paul Rossi—will connect high school students with leading intellectuals for an 8-week intensive course on the roots of America’s governing principles to learn how they contribute to American success and what they mean in practice today. Discussion topics will include equality of opportunity vs. equity, the growing discontent with democracy, the growth of the administrative state, commitment to public service, free markets, and more.

The organizers will discuss the program and answer questions from prospective parents.


  • Andrew Gutmann, Educator and Founder, SpeakUpForEducation.org
  • Paul Rossi, Educator and Advisory Board member, Educational Liberty Alliance
  • Reihan Salam, President, Manhattan Institute
  • Ilana Golant, Executive Vice President, Manhattan Institute

About the American Experience Program

Formed in 2021 in partnership between The Manhattan Institute for Policy Research and educators Andrew Gutmann and Paul Rossi, the American Experience Program is an educational program for New York City high school students that focuses on America’s self-governing principles of free inquiry, free speech, public debate, democratic decision-making, and the decentralization of power through federalism, localism, civil society, separation of powers, and capitalism. When followed, these principles enable the American people to succeed and flourish. When ignored, a rash of social and political problems emerge, leading to polarization and potentially radicalization. It is our hope that the American Experience Program can impart upon our rising generation the knowledge to perpetuate America’s success and ideals and safeguard and promote its longstanding governing principles.


About the Manhattan Institute

The mission of the Manhattan Institute is to develop and disseminate new ideas that foster greater economic choice and individual responsibility. The Institute serves as a leading voice of free-market ideas, shaping political culture since our founding in 1977. Ideas that have changed the United States and its urban areas for the better—welfare reform, tort reform, proactive policing, and supply-side tax policies, among others—are at the heart of MI’s legacy. While continuing with what is tried and true, we are constantly developing new ways of advancing our message in the battle of ideas.


If you have any questions, please email events@manhattan-institute.org.

52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017 | 212.599.7000


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