Wednesday, December 22, 2021



Democrats riled by Spanish-language radio attacks on Kamala Harris

CDC director says initial shots ‘may not be enough’ as omicron sweeps the nation

NASCAR’s Brandon says he was afraid of being canceled over chant

TX records first variant death in USA …

Western leaders condemn Hong Kong elections over ‘erosion’ of Democracy

U.S. will deploy troops to help hospitals during omicron wave, distribute free COvID tests in January

Pentagon to issue rules to ‘curb rise in extremism’ among troops

Fauci: Masks on planes forever …

Britain hints at banning Chinese imports with forced-labor links

Electric vehicle stocks tumble after Manchin rejects Biden’s climate and social plan

Biden’s disapproval rating reaches new record high after telling people they’re going to die for Christmas

Logs show Trump flew more often on Epstein plane than thought …


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