Sunday, December 12, 2021



Appeals court revives suit over Trump ‘Muslim ban’ documents

Omicron detected in Florida and Texas as it takes root in 25 U.S. states

It’s a scorcher: Bidenflation heads to 39-year high

Ghislaine believes Epstein was murdered!

New York to impose state-wide mask mandate

Tornadoes, severe storms strike the U.S., Kentucky governor fears there are dozens dead

Senate Republicans seek to slow Biden’s judicial confirmations spree

Supremes leave Texas abortion law in effect, allows only narrow challenge

Canada threatens U.S. with retaliatory tariffs in EV tax credit dispute

Stocks head for rare third straight year of double-digit returns. What happens next?

Biden admin keeping 2,500 troops in Iraq

COvID crisis threatens holiday season again as hospitals overflowing …


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