Saturday, December 11, 2021

Collective Nouns


A number of years ago James Lipton wrote “An Exultation of Larks” a gathering of the unusual collective nouns like the title suggests. 

Unfortunately, this book did not anticipate all the societal changes that have occurred since then. So, kind reader, Fletcher has decided to update this collection of collectives with:

An annoyance of Karen’s

A galaxy of Fords

A pillage of ANTIFAs

A litter of slobs

A woke of liberals

A deliverance of red-necks

A squad of jihadists

A me-too of gropers

A droll of comedians

A choir of stool pigeons

A MAGA of Trumpers

A granola of hikers

A Fauci of COvID virus strains

A swamp of bureaucrats

A cast of broken limbs

A politburo of Democrats

A puke of nerds

A quiver of RINOs

A battery of EVs

A hive of FBI executives

A board of carpenters

A fleet of sprinters


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