Friday, December 17, 2021

The Border Wall (Updated)

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has restarted building the Mexican border wall that President Biden had abandoned on day one of his term.

Governor Abbott said tonight on Tucker that his state has appropriated $3 billion to build an identical wall to what Trump had been building … and that this construction is progressing at the rate of about 100 yards a day.

Now, at this pace, working seven days a week, Texas will be lucky to build two miles a month … or 24 miles a year. This compares to Trump’s 450 miles in about two years … roughly nine time faster than what Texas is now achieving.

Perhaps Governor Abbot might ask for Trump’s advice?

Afterward: And the state of Texas cannot use perhaps billions of dollars of material left to rot on the ground from Trump’s effort … since Biden’s administration won’t let them use it … or even sell it to them. Nasty!


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