Sunday, November 21, 2021

Newsom Update


The Getty wedding with a masked Newsom

The Praetorian Guard has closed ranks around California Governor Newsom’s possible bout with Bell’s palsy after his COvID booster shot … see: Bell’s Palsy.

Now one source of this disclosure has answered the “fact checkers” in as complete a fashion as I have seen. Take a few minutes to read and understand how this game is played … see: Substack story … a source with a growing reputation for reliable reporting (Glenn Greenwald’s site.)

Afterward: See also Daily Mail article.



  1. Your source says "Am I 100% certain? No." So it is, as usual, a nothingburger. And your inference that the alleged paralysis was because of a booster is empty and without merit. Again.
    Besides, it would appear that BP is better than death.

    Tell the pilgrims why You chose to get the booster. I'll wait.

  2. A nothingburger is 0% certain … far from 100% certain. You have a binary mind. I got a Pfizer booster (wanted the J&J) because I figured the cost-benefit analysis favored benefit … but was not without risk. Again not a 100% or a 0% decision. (BTW, I’ve already had side effects.)

  3. Suspecting that "something happened" with Zero evidence is a "nothingburger" in my lexicon. What side effects are you suffering from your Booster shot beyond writing loopy blog posts?
