Tuesday, November 30, 2021


  ‘They’re all begging me’: Trump’s 2024 veep tryouts get underway

Bitcoin climbs back above $57,000 as cryptocurrencies rebound from selloff

New book reveals Chinese energy titan lavished Hunter Biden with offer of $30 million — sought access to Biden family

WHO warns omicron variant poses ‘very high’ risk …

McConaughey not running for governor of Texas

China could double down on its zero-COvID approach amid concerns about omicron, analyst says

Nine of the ten most popular governors are Republicans — Biden less popular than the least popular governor

62% of Swiss back new virus laws …

World Health Organization criticizes travel bans to southern Africa

Moderna says omicron variant vaccine could be ready in early 2022

Doctor who raised alarm about omicron variant says symptoms are ‘so different and so mild’

Will Epstein’s little black book send Ghislaine to prison for 80 years? Trial opens …


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