Monday, November 22, 2021


Democrats aren’t alone in the cannabis game anymore

Illinois paid $694 million to keep nuclear plants open, showing why greening the grid is so hard

Cook Political Report shifts three Senate races toward Republicans

Covid protests turn violent in Europe … Austria, Italy, Croatia revolt … Dutch police open fire …

Polish prime minister: Belarus migrant pressure greatest in 30 years

Flights briefly halted after accidental gun discharge at Atlanta airport, three injuries reported

Report: Hunter Biden’s firm helped secure cobalt for Chinese

Update: [Covid] Death toll higher than last year ..

Democrat Eddie Bernice Johnson ending decades in Congress

COP26 had big ambitions — here’s why it fell short

Protests in Kenosha failed to materialize after Rittenhouse verdict

Biden faces tougher sell on spending bill to Manchin as coal prices hit 12-year high …


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