Friday, November 12, 2021

A Pattern

Pilgrim, have you noticed this trope?

1) The Right detects and calls out a Leftie conspiracy

2) Conspiracy is “debunked” in the news and social media … usually with derision and mockery

3) Months or even years later conspiracy turns out to be true

4) Media ignores this revelation … no consequences ensue

5) Go back to 1) for more …


1 comment:

  1. Here's the trope:
    1) "If I don't win it is because the election is rigged"
    2) He doesn't win enough votes
    3) "See, I told you."
    4) Non-patriots agree that the election was rigged despite no actionable proof.
    5) Right wing media ignore facts, continue to push fringe ideas
    6) Goober sheeple eat it up.
    7) Dems sweep midterms because there are more sensible people than goober sheeple.
