Friday, October 08, 2021

Some Numbers

- There were 168.3 million voters (real and imagined) in the 2020 presidential election

- Biden supposedly got 81 million of these “votes” to win

- Biden’s favorability in the latest Rasmussen presidential survey is only 38% (see: Powerline blog analysis)

- Meaning that maybe 64 million of these “voters” still support Biden

- Conclusion: maybe 17 million “voters” have abandoned Sleepy Joe

Pilgrim, are you one?



  1. Rasmussen polls 1500 likely voters with a reputation for a conservative bias. You would seem to be their type. So we get 1500 people defining the change in allegiance of 168.3 million voters. Yawn!

  2. Each Rasmussen likely-voter that says "somewhat confident" where they said "very confident" last week whacks 112,000 voters down a peg. Talk about stuffing the ballot box!

  3. OK, let us say only 10 million voters have abandoned Sleepy Joe … maybe most of them were the phantom voters anyway. But you obviously are not one of uthem.

  4. It's OK if you have abandoned him. What does that even mean? Are we going to vote every week now? I do not expect the POTUS to be leading the rankings or the popularity contest. I expect him to negotiate ambitious improvements to America that will benefit me. Frankly, I rarely listen to my congresspeople or governor. They seem to do a good job. Biden is a terrible speaker. He has always had a speech impediment. He is no more demented than you or i. He clearly seems to be able to do the backroom negotiation that will get things done. If I do not hear from him for a week at a time, that's OK. Relaxing actually. I still support him.

  5. Saluting on deck as the ship slips beneath the waves …

  6. That's right. It's a nuclear sub. It relies on power and stealth. Not like surface ships that look all flashy and easy to track.
