Saturday, October 02, 2021



When I lived in New York City, I occasionally would see a man who could not enter the subway until he had completed a series of rituals whose meaning were his alone. This is called obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) … and pops up over and over in life … compulsive cleaners (my mother was one), compulsive sex addicts like Jeffery Epstein … even compulsive collectors … like me.

Often people suffering from OCD are rather harmless (although that subway stairs nut usually backed up things annoyingly … and Epstein was no slouch.) But when such behavior infects more than one person it can become quire dangerous. We call this a mania.

I think we are now in the midst of a mania caused by the Wuhan-Fauci virus … and this results in the unconstitutional vaccine mania. A great many people have the compulsive notion that we must all be vaccinated … and now booster shot … before we will rid ourselves of this plague. And this mandate includes those who have already had Covid … even though an Israeli study says that they are 27-times better protected than the vaccinated.

And even though these vaccines carry considerably more risks than prior vaccines for other diseases. this group OCD, or mania if you will, is a result of fear and has become an irrational objective (Biden wants 97-98% compliance) … instead of more realistic objectives. This mania on the left is fostering unnecessary dislocation and trauma. We all need to take a deep breath and get a little less manic and a little more reasoned.


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