Monday, October 04, 2021

More Maher


Watch the above June, 2018 Bill Maher interview with Ben Shipero to see how wrong Maher was about Russiagate back then … and how right Shipero was … and then compare it with how far right Maher has recently slid during the Biden clown show.

Although conservatives are championing Maher today for his new-found good sense, is he merely a poll-watching political opportunist? 

(I can almost imagine his audience now breaking into the “Let’s Go Brandon” chant.)

And, as teased, here for contrast is a more recent Bill Maher closing.


1 comment:

  1. Bill only recently started wearing eyeglasses, so he can see clearly now. Bill has been always been left of center but the swing hard left is dizzying. The woke and cancel cultures are cleaning up nasty residue of the Confederate, master/slave, indigenous people, and misogynistic icons and actions but threaten to push too far. The center holds.
