Saturday, October 02, 2021

Detective Work


Recently I have experienced a metallic taste to water. This comes on the heels of my doctor’s request that I hydrate more because of a newly prescribed diabetes drug. I concluded that some new plastic glasses that my wife had bought were the culprit … so she threw them out. The very next day I used another glass for my hydrating and experienced the same metallic taste. Oops! I then determined there must be something wrong with our local town’s water supply. So, I switched to bottled water!

I had already decided that it was not my new diabetes drug because I had already been taking it for a month.

So, did bottled water fix things? Pilgrim, you know that it did’t. Perplexed, I finally concluded that this taste must be the result of the radioactive fluoride tracer I had received interveniously earlier in the week before a PET scan … working its way out of my body.

Case solved? We’ll know in about a week (the time I was told for the tracer to work it’s way through my system.)


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