Sunday, October 03, 2021

Deeper in the Covid weeds!

It’s hard to believe that our intelligence people would sacrifice hundreds of thousands of American lives just to get rid of Trump! — Fletcher

If you thought things were convoluted before, read this new conspiracy theory: Conservative Treehouse theory . It speculates that because we already had the Covid-19 biological weapon, it was justified to give it to China and then release it?


However, I still believe that Covid came only from the poorly-protected Wuhan Lab … and Fauci either gave it to the lab or abetted its development. But China’s claim that it came from the U.S. military does have a glimmer of credibility. If the thesis that this was done by our intelligence agencies to get rid of Trump is even half true, then we are in serious trouble.



  1. So where in the plan was the death of 4 million (so far) in Europe, Africa, ME, and Asia (esp. India)? Should those nations be accusing the USA and China of trying to kill their people and subvert their elections? That turns us-or-them into them-or-them.

  2. I am at a loss as to what was in Fauci’s and Daszok’s mind when they did whatever they did in Wuhan. Was it science or politics?
    But, if China was the dupe, it is a lot dumber than I thought … and Xi is not dumb. I think it may take decades for the whole true story to come out … at which point we all will be talking Mandarin.

  3. Nah. We’ll all be speaking Spanish.

  4. Spain and Mexico will be main stops on the Silk Road.
