Friday, October 01, 2021

Covid Vaccine Risk Update (Updated)


To me, it seems apparent that someone or ones at the CDC is trying to tell America that Covid vaccines … and boosters … carry larger risks than is communicated by our political betters and most media outlets. If one takes some time carefully to peruse the VAERS Covid vaccine update you will note that this site is starting to get a little more agressive with its flashing red lights. (Click on embedded links.) Note  the graphs displaying the recent leap in vaccine deaths versus history … and how these deaths occur stretched out over the weeks after the jab.

And note too, kind reader that these statistics are only what are reported to the CDC. From my observations, there are far more averse vaccination reactions … admittedly mostly milder ones … that are not reported. This compendium suggest that there is an averse reaction for roughly every 30 vaccinations. I suspect the real number is more like one in ten … or even worse.

Yes, kind reader, as this site demonstrates, the chance of dying from these vaccines is about one in every 16,000 … but the chance of other serious consequences are roughly one in every thousand. This has clearly not been our experience with other vaccines … and the risks from not getting vaccinated or boosted are likely worse than this, but how much worse is impossible for me to say … but clearly not what it was before we are approaching herd immunity. So, pilgrim go into this adventure with your eyes open … thanks to some anonymous truth-teller(s) at the CDC.

You are entitled to manage your own risks … no matter what Joe Biden says.

Afterward: Sceptic? See also: Conservative Treehouse post.


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