Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Today’s Poser

One can’t help but wonder, if it weren’t for mail-in voter fraud and ballot harvesting, would we have many elected Democrat politicians? — Fletcher



  1. Good question. The GOP can't seem to do enough redistricting and voter suppression to balance things out.


  2. The Dems don’t indulge in redistricting (I recall when Barney Frank’s district ran all the way down to Fall River)? And I would love for you Dems to supply 10 (alive) voters who were actually suppressed in any election. But other than that, my complaints clearly hold.

  3. - Dems do indulge in redistricting.
    - Suppression is often the barriers from overloading polling stations or narrowing locations in big sparse counties.
    - Do you have verified cases of mass mail-in voter fraud or ballot harvesting? If so, were they exclusively DEM voters for POTUS?
    - Stop with the "you Dems" accusations. I am an independent moderate, a proud patriot, and a US citizen.

  4. If you consistently vote for Democrats, you are a Dem. Saying you are an independent is an illusion.
    How come if voters have weeks to vote are there ever long lines of suppressed voters? Huh?
    I’ll answer your question about ballot fraud and harvesting in future blogs … as I have in past ones which you must not have read.

    Are you proud of Gen. Milley? Hunter Biden? Tony Blinken? Sec. Austin? And our walk-away president for that matter?

  5. I have voted Dem for POTUS for decades yet down ballot I have voted for many Repubs.
    I cannot comprehend lines at polls. I have never had to wait more than a minute or two.
    Milley: proud; Hunter: sad but not empowered in the government; Blinken: proud; Austin:dunno;
    Biden:walk-away is ok No planes damaged, a lot of people evacuated, Bagram (and the govt) were destined to be Taliban by the DJT deal a year earlier, a deal that was far from artful.

  6. Hook, line and sinker!

  7. See Group Thinking post …
