Tuesday, September 07, 2021

Reader Contribution


The following bit of retrospective self-inspection was written by a Wellesley High School classmate of my daughter …Taimanni One post. His name is Sean Carberry and he has impressive CV bullet points … NPR Afghan reporter, writer for The Hill.

A lot of his retrospective is self-recriminations … for not seeing our self-perpetuating Deep State and military-industrial complex. It is abundantly clear that every so often we need an outsider as president … like Trump … to question such incessant wrong-headedness. Of course, this person’s chances of surviving the evil that the hanger-on’s concoct is pretty slim. One can actually measure the effectiveness of such a person by the degree of resistance … say two concocted impeachments?

Afterward: See another of his writings here … in which it looks like Biden and Trump were in agreement about getting out of Afghanistan. I’m reasonably sure that they were not in agreement as to how to do it.


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