Friday, September 10, 2021

Perfect Timing

President Biden issued his many ukases last night in spiteful revenge against those Americans who have not yet been vaccinated. I can’t help but notice that the timing of this tyranny is very convenient … coming just as the Delta variant of the Wuhan-Fauci virus is just starting to fade … see: World Meters data.

Biden adamantly wants Americans to be fully vaccinated .. even those with natural immunity … either mandating jabs for us … or asking other institutions to do so. Now the CDC has published data about the averse effects of vaccines so far … see: VAERS Dara.  . … which indicates over 13,000 people have died … and a few hundred thousands otherwise damaged … as about 52% of our population have been fully vaccinated. Our vaccine deaths occur about once for every 16 thousand jabs.

Now, if Biden can get the 100 million remaining Americans vaccinated, this suggests that more than 6,000 of us will succumb … with over 100,000 other averse effects … clearly not as many that might die from the Wuhan-Fauci virus itself … but nevertheless a hefty price to pay.

So, kind reader. Mandating vaccines might be the greater good … but the courts will be packed in the years with litigants suing those who so mandated the vaccines … and many of them will win huge settlements.



  1. Will there be lawsuits if the major medical insurers and Medicare mandate vaccination to get full ICU coverage?

  2. There are always lawsuits … health insurers will be included. And many will succeed because the government (Fauci) and the drug companies have not been transparent about the risks associated with the vaccines. This “shut up and take your medicine” attitude has not gone over well with me and much of the American public … including many health-care professionals.

  3. Regardless, the long-term intubation patients in ICUs are overloading those facilities as well as burning out the staff and deferring other critical care needs. What would you do?

  4. Dangerous to answer hypotheticals … but, If I were a Democrat, I would deny medical care to anyone not vaccinated. (As has been threatened.)
    All kidding aside, I would encourage people to get vaccinated by giving them frank cost-benefit numbers and hope they make the right decision.

  5. See my list of vaccine questions post coming soon to a neighborhood near you.
