Saturday, September 04, 2021

Our Gifts to the Taliban

But we forget the gift wrapping paper and colorful ribbons!

Please note … this is just part of the $85 billion worth of equipment left at the Bagram AFB (not shown are the very many helicopters and airplanes) which was NOT “demilitarized.” It does not include the very much smaller cache of gear left at the Kabul airport … some of which was made useless. This has been a purposeful misdirection on the part of the DOD and Biden Politburo in order the confuse things and hide their red faces.

They are truly incompetent scoundrels!



  1. The Taliban will be lucky if they can get their air force to accomplish much. But as for all the ground equipment and weapons, what would you do?
    - Ship it all back to the USA to do what? I am quite sure that the original manufacturers don't want it back. Set up surplus stores like we had after WW2? Just what we need... more guns.
    - Sell it all to neighboring countries or allies? They aren't really very friendly to us.
    - Destroy it all (not just take the keys) with fire/explosives?
    - Hope that the Taliban can use them to settle into their own try at nation-building.

  2. Gear that still usable … ship it back to US or to bases in ally territory.
    Stuff that isn’t … totally destroy
    Court marshal the generals that caused this enormous waste.
