Friday, September 03, 2021

Obvious Truth


Decision batting average: Trump’s was batting far better than .500 … Biden can barely reach .100 … yet he is now batting clean-up. Huh? — Fletcher



  1. Trump struck out in the America series. Ejected from the game. Made a fool. Now a sad sack. But you could rehabilitate him, if you would only try.

  2. The sniper snipes again … it’s worlds easier to attack Trump than defend Biden.

  3. Trump did make a lot of decisions but every time he got to first base he lost interest. Biden may not have as many decisions but he worked the bases to score runs.

  4. Like giving the Taliban $85 billion in American military equipment … and stranding hundreds of
    Americans in Afghanistan so as not to overrun the Taliban deadline? Defending Biden is delusional on its face.

  5. Stars and Stripes reports that equipment was demilitarized. The only equipment the U.S. left operable at the airport were “a couple of fire trucks and forklifts so that the airport itself can remain more operational going forward.” So there is that. And what would you do? Ship all those desert hardened machines back to the US? Maybe police departments could use them in the SWAT forces.

  6. You’ve been hoodwinked again by a duplicitous press and DOD. The equipment at the Kabul airport may have been “demilitarized.” But that was small potatoes. It was the $85 billion worth at the Bagram AFB that was not. Watch for a future blog post that details this amazing loss.
