Sunday, September 12, 2021


Prosecutors: Jan. 6 defendants should expect jail time

Biden commorates 9/11 with stops at all three attack sites

CNN ‘medical expert’: Americans don’t have the right to Freedom of Movement

Pentagon report that Biden drone strike that killed ISIS-K bomber was actually aid worker, 7 children

Giuliani associate pleads guilty in foreign donation scheme

Apple can no longer force developers to use in-app purchasing, judge rules

Psaki: Vaccine mandates are for Americans, not illegal aliens at Southern border

Poll: 60% of likely California voters do not want Gov. Newsom recalled

Recall poll shows Newsom in strong position to survive

U.S. Democrats propose dramatic extension of EV tax credits that favor Big Three

Pennsylvania’s Republican Senate leader demands subpeonas for election probe

Biden’s DHS may give work permits to Afghans before vetting them


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