Friday, September 03, 2021

Checking VAERS Numbers

We have published reference to the Vaccine Averse Effects Reporting System (VAERS) Covid data as published by the CDC … and which has created quite a controversy as to the validity of these shocking statistics. First kind reader peruse this chart … paying particular attention to the death stats: Latest Covid VAERS Data.

The point of this blog post is to try to check on the possible accuracy of the death and hospitalizations data.

This investigation has been spawned by two close-at-home incidents: 1) A father  here to pick up his child visiting our grandchildren, revealed that his cousin had died shortly after getting his second Moderna shot, and 2) Two nurses known to my daughter were hospitalized here in Massachusetts after getting their second Covid vaccine shots (brand unknown).

We need to start this scrutiny with an assumption of the size of one’s circle of friends. My assumption was 100 people … but I have also seen the 150 number. Let’s split the difference and say most of us know 125 people.  And, since both the above incidents involve two degrees of separation, the real population in which these averse vaccine effects occurred would be 125 squared or about 16k … or 6 per 100k … or 60 per million … or 12,000 vaccine deaths per 200 million (about the number of people currently at least partially vaccinated in the U.S.) … not the 663k Americans who have died from the actual Wuhan-Fauci virus … but still non-zero.

This number of these normalized Covid vaccine deaths is admittedly anecdotal … but very close to that reported in the VAERS Covid database … which gives the CDC data a bit of credence.

Afterward: It sure would be nice if the CDC told us which vaccine brands were involved in these averse effects … in time for the booster shots.


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