Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Today’s Poser


Do you support the current power structure in the United States … comprised primarily of the political left: woke corporations, Deep Staters, fake media, RINOs, Hollywood, educational moonbats and the big sports cabal … IMHO all marching us down the road to perdition? If so, can you please explain why? (Try responding without the word “Trump.”)



  1. Yes. I doubt that this tack of direction is going to lead to eternal punishment and damnation. Being alert to injustice in society, especially racism seems noble. There is such a wide scope of media easily accessible that the reader can find that there really is no longer a mainstream. As for Hollywood, sports, and education, the noisemakers get coverage but have no teeth. The deep state is a better point of focus; it transcends all the administrations, probably going all the way back to the founding fathers. I suspect that it has its own checks and balances despite its focus on greed and power.

  2. Can I compare this to popping off ducks in a shooting gallery? Why is your opinion any more valid than mine … and most of America?

  3. Yes. You asked for an opinion and I gave you one. It is not more valid. It is also not less valid.

  4. You’re right. Sorry. But some justification would be helpful.

  5. Justify having an opinion? No. But for most of what I posted the internet is the cause. When we had only what was on TV and what we subscribed to, our domain of information was constrained. You might browse titles at the newsstand but chances are you did not take a copy home. And if you wanted to comment, you'd send a printed letter to the newspaper. They might print it. But you would not get comments about comments. Also, if something nasty happened in, say, AZ, you didn't about it at all. So the ease of access to all sorts of media, and the aggregators that reveal all the fringe stories, make it seem that the world is ending. It is not. Go a few days without reading news and comments. You'll feel better.
