Tuesday, August 03, 2021

Today’s Poser

                          Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and partner

At what point in politics did race, gender and ones’s orgasm preference become the overriding C.V. enhancers … and why? — Fletcher

Afterward: Thought some more about this and one might add ethnicity to the check boxes needed for successful politicians … with gender identification maybe creeping in as another check box. Here’s a challenge for you dear reader. Think of prominent pols and how many of their boxes are checked … AOC, Liz Warren, Kamala Harris, Lindsey Graham, Rashida Talib, Barack Obama, Ilhan Omar, Caitlyn Jenner, Ayanna Pressley, Lori Lightfoot, Donald Trump, Gavin Newsom, etc. Be honest!

After afterward: The most boxes I got checked for anyone was four … the least, zero …  and, curiously, the tried-and-true check box for religion seems to have disappeared.


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