Saturday, August 21, 2021

Obvious Truth


If you still support Whispering Joe Biden, you:

- want our southern  border to remain open to hoards of illegal immigrants … including felons, human traffickers, drug smugglers, Covid-carriers and terrorists from around the world.

- think that the United States can pull out of Afghanistan with the barest minimum of logistic, humanitarian and military planning.

- believe that China is not intending to eat our lunch … including the takeover of Taiwan. Com’on man!

- can’t see the connection between massive welfare spending and the spectre of out-of-control inflation and possible economic collapse

- do not understand the need for a strong military and domestic police forces

- are not a believer in America being energy independent

- cannot see any problems with unconstitutionally nationalizing federal elections

- marvel that the crack-addled grifter of a presidential son, Hunter, is a natural-born artist

Aryou sure? Think hard!


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