Saturday, July 17, 2021

Today’s Poser


Has breaking a window at the U.S. Capitol now become a capital offense?

See it here first: January 6th should forever become “Ashli Babbitt Day.”



  1. No, but climbing through a broken window while a security guard is on the other side shouting "Stop or I'll shoot!" is a crime. Don't all you gun-nut right-wing types boast about shooting any intruders that break into your home? Stand your ground. She was a forlorn hope on a suicidal assault.

  2. You’re inventing the interaction … and the Capitol was not that nameless officer’s “home.” Perhaps we can re-summon the George Floyd jury?

  3. Strange. I saw the video. From several angles. The Capitol, especially with Congress in session, was the officer's domain. And don't conflate Ashli Babbit trying to stop Congress with Floyd who was passing a fake $20 bill. But, yeah, let's put the officer in front of a jury.

  4. I've always been an advocate of shooting looters and seditionists. They ought to have opened fire on the croud storming the steps. It would have stopped the nonsense immediately.

  5. Then I suppose you want to shoot Code Pink insurrectionists when they invade Senate hearings?

  6. Did Code Pink insurrectionists smash windows and express intent to hang anyone?

  7. As one of the 1/6 tourists said: "It just looked so neat. We weren't there to steal things. We weren't there to do damage. We were just there to overthrow the government." But when Trump posted a video to social media asking supporters to go home (and saying he loved them) after the riot raged for hours, she felt confused and depressed. "We were supposed to be fighting until the end." And what was that "end"?

  8. Code Pink raised hell every time they were (purposely) allowed in. Did Ashli Babbitt threaten to hang anyone? I’m not even sure she broke the window … which I think you have conceded is now a capital offense.

    Do you honestly believe these invaders expected to overthrow the government … 400 strong (at least 20 FBI operatives), no guns, no real plan? I reminds one of a Peter Sellers movie.

  9. Apparently they did get the courage of the mouse that roared after purple Kool-Aid delirium set in.
