Sunday, July 18, 2021

The Jab Update (Updated)


As of mid-July 56% of adult Americans, or 185 million people above the age of 12, have had at least on, shot of Covid vaccine … see: Bloomberg Vaccination Data.

And according to the CDC’s Vaccine Averse Effects Reporting System … which they make crystal clear is a voluntary reporting system that has not been independently verified … there have been over 463 thousand reported incidents of vaccine side effects … anywhere from tinnitus to death … see: CDC VAERS Summary. Although there have been possibly almost 11 thousand reported deaths, this is still a small fraction of the vaccinations (0.013% or 1 in every 17,000.)

And although the odds for any averse effect may be 1 in every 400, this still seems a reasonable risk to take given the alternative.

Afterward: Is this why our Covid vaccines still only have CDC’s emergency -use authorizations?

Afterward: The CDC now says that the vaccine reported deaths were in error … see: Undercurrents post



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