Saturday, July 24, 2021

Dodging a Bullet

Many years ago I was asked to drive my wealthy step-father from Tryon, North Carolina to Duke University Hospital in Durha, NC for shock treatment to relieve his severe depression. Without hesitation, I flew down to Tryon (actually Greenville, SC to be precise) and performed this family duty for my ailing  mother.

After the successful trip returning him to Tryon, a now less depressed step-father confessed to me that all the way up to Durham, he had to resist the urge to open the car door and leap out of our speeding car.

In retrospect, I clearly dodged a bullet then … because I am reasonably certain that I would have come under suspicion … particularly from his non-step children …  for somehow causing his death … because of the benefits that would have accrued to me as a consequence of his pre-deceasing my mother.

Funny how life works.


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