Monday, June 21, 2021

You May Ask …

As a result of my post Denying Reality “How is Biden not governing in the best interests of the American people?” Well here are the answers:

- Opening our borders to floods of illegal immigrants

- Lifting sanctions off China, Russia and Iran without getting anything in return

- Bringing back inflation, the cruelest tax

- Spending our children into penury

- Trying to destroy the American economy with higher taxes

- Attempting to globalize taxing authority

- Corrupting the American election process

- Encouraging Big Tech censorship of opposing views

- Debasing our children’s education

- Trying to nationalize elections, unconstitutionally

- Diminishing and politicizing our military

- Administering justice unevenly

- Sowing racial division

- Trampling on Constitutional guarantees

- Allowing our “allies” to pick our pockets

- And finally, putting America last

Enough for today, pilgrim?


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