Tuesday, June 01, 2021

The Remedy?


I don’t run with the Q-Anon crowd, but I clearly believe that the odds are quite high that the last presidential election was stolen ... resulting in an imposter president and an incompetent VP.  But I have pretty much resigned myself to a tortured four years of watching America steadily give ground to Xi and his band of genocide tyrants.

However, as we know, the wheels of  justice grind slowly ... but it they do keep grinding ... and the recent parting of the clouds about the origin of Covid-19 has caused me to rethink how things might evolve on the election hoax front.

There are serious election audits taking place in Arizona, New Hampshire and Georgia ... all being vociferously opposed ... I wonder why? And additional ones likely. So, months, possibly a year from now, what would happen if it became crystal clear that Trump was really re-elected? Wow! Wouldn’t that be a sticky situation?

It is far from clear how this dilemma could be remedied. In the past, in similar situations, courts have ordered election re-dos. But, given past experience, I doubt if Chief Justice Roberts could be coaxed out from under his bed to address this monumental dilemma ... even if public opinion then demands it.

What remedy then? A French Revolutionary Tribunal? A military coup? A real insurrection? Somehow, I doubt violence would be the solution. I should really hope that resignations would be demanded in favor of Trump and Pence via executive order. The guillotine has, in the past, been quite persuasive.


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