Saturday, June 26, 2021

Obvious Truth

If the scientific consensus isn’t fudging the data again … and sea levels are rising at the rate of one foot per century (see: Ocean Level Study) … then it would seem that building a one-foot sea wall where needed would carry us until 2121 … or two feet, until 2221 … or even a yardstick-high one until 2321! (If we’re not all on Mars by then)!  This would be a whole lot cheaper than the Green New Deal … trillion$ cheaper!

Afterward: Being dangerously curious, I just found out that parts of the Netherlands are 22 feet below sea level … see:Netherlands Tourist Bureau.

After Afterward: Here’s a bit of insanity pilgrim — the Green New Deal advocates admit that it really won’t fix things … but somehow it is important to show that we care.



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