Thursday, June 17, 2021

Obvious Truth


President Biden is possibly the most extreme example of the Peter Principal that I have seen in my lifetime. — Fletcher

Afterward: He was a much better lifeguard.



  1. President Trump was the most extreme example of the Peter Principle that I have seen in my lifetime. — Saint

  2. Easy to say but difficult to prove … whereas Biden’s incompetence is like a carbuncle on his nose.

  3. Biden is enfeebled in his late years yet has the depth of team and experience of working with the give-and-take of government.

    Trump. as a NYC real estate developer with sole control over finances and all decisions, is unfamiliar with negotiating agreements, at least ones he intends to honor: tears up alliances and multi-national agreements; insults allies; praises unspecified verbal agreements with tyrants; promised a GOP replacement for healthcare that never materialized; etc.

  4. “ is unfamiliar with negotiating agreements” … I think he wrote a book on this … which Biden obviously never read. As far as Obamacare is concerned, he did negate the individual mandate … the biggest unconstitutional element. And, insofar as our allies loving Biden over Trump … maybe because he (really, his Obama posse) is picking up the check once again. Is this not obvious?

  5. The book Trump had ghostwritten was "The Art of the Deal," not "The Art of Consensus Building' or "The Art of Negotiating and Detailing an Agreement." Did you read Trump's book? I did. It was a lot of "I got on the phone. We talked about it, and then said we would agree to agree sometime in the future. Deal done!"

    As to loving Biden over Trump, the photo sessions at G7, England, and Russia seem relaxed and not at all tense. Trump reminds me of my father who was always a hair-trigger away from overreacting, screaming curses, and storming out the door. After one of those sessions, everyone was relaxed and at ease, regardless of who was picking up the check.

  6. I do recall Trump chiding reporters, but never saw him losing it like Biden did with the CNN female in Geneva. Was Biden’s 16 cyber no-nos for Russia astute negotiating? And Most thought Trump won most back-and-fourths during his four years.

    Sounds like you identify Trump with your dad?
