Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Obvious Truth


Pilgrim, I’m a bit lost … when we have succeeded in the planned shutting down of our hydrocarbon industry, how are we going to power our military machines … our jet planes, our helicopters, our rockets, our missiles, our tanks, our non-nuclear navy and so forth … none of which do we have “green” replacements.  I haven’t even seen any electric Army jeeps yet … have you?

It would seem to me that our politicians and their military acolytes have not thought things through very well. Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin and that Ayatollah dude must be rubbing their hands together in glee over America’s impending unilateral disarmament … so stunningly stupid!



  1. You are so binary! This is not "shutting down of our hydrocarbon industry", we are trying to throttle back from the 330 million gallons per day that is the current consumption rate. Our military is about 3% of that consumption. They can maintain that rate.


    Looking longterm, it is an obvious truth that oil, gas, and coal are finite reserves while wind, sun, and, water are constant.

  2. Wind and sun are intermittent … and tree huggers want to pull down the dams … and fear nuclear. Since I was alive during WWII and remember gas rationing, I know that, if we get into a kinetic war, our military will use a whole lot more than 3%.

    Moreover, the majority of our hydrocarbon resources were laid down over 60 million years 300 million years ago. I think we have many centuries of reserves when we find them all. By then, I would suppose we will have economic and sufficient alternative energy sources. Let the free market make these decisions … not political slopeheads. (And if you believe that Tesla represents the free market, you have not been watching closely.)

    Yes, we can explore alternatives … but we are severely jumping the gun at untold economic damage and loss of hegemony.
