Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Who’s Pulling the Strings?

A camel is a horse designed by committee. — Old Proverb

A recent release of the most recent White House visitor log revealed that Joe Biden officially met with only seven outsiders in the first hundred days in office  ... see: Victory Girls blog.

My suspicions are that our country is being managed by committee of Obama retreads — Susan RIce (Biden’s Domestic Policy Council head), Valarie Jarrett (Obama consigliere),  John Brennan (former CIA Director)  ... and “Biden’s Bubble” — Ron Klain (current Chief of Staff), Mike Donilon (chief campaign strategist),  Steve Ricchett (Campaign Chairman and WH Counselor), Bruce Reed (former Chief of Staff), and Stefanie Feldman (Campaign Policy Director).  see: Politico Article. Keep an eye on these people.

Why do I suspect government by committee? Primarily because there seems no coherent policy guiding the administration’s decisions ... some follow Trump’s lead, some are to the left of Bernie Sanders. They are busy designing a blind three-legged camel.



  1. The politico article you reference describes the White House as "a tight ship run by a cadre of longtime Biden loyalists." A good read. The Victory Girls are spinning facts about in-person visitors such as state visits and tours being constrained in an epidemic. You spun it further to suggest that they are an addled bunch with no cohesion and no external input.

  2. It is Politico after all. But it is a good source for the names of the sub rosa puppeteers. And if you think that Biden is running things, then why so few official meetings ... even on Zoom?
