Wednesday, May 05, 2021

The Secret Ballot


If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. — Anon.

It is virtually impossible to conduct a secure election using unsolicited mail-in ballots ... while still guaranteeing that voters’ secret- ballot choices can not be revealed ... while also maintaining a chain of evidence for any disputes. — Fletcher

Afterward: I also suspect that the above analysis applies to solicited mail-in ballots ... but, since legitimate absentee ballots are necessary, perhaps such voters might be warned that their ballot secrecy cannot be guaranteed.



  1. As an election Inspector, I agree that mail-in ballots are technically less secret, since the election official opening the envelope could easily eyeball the ballot. But they don't. This is where trust in the integrity of the poll workers is essential to functioning democracy. And this is why you fuckers -- who refuse to accept the election merely because you did not like the result-- are dangerous. You have no proof, yet you slander the work of sworn officials. I agree with you that *unsolicited* ballots should not be mailed out to voters.
    Stand Up for Truth!

  2. I am supposed to trust Philadelphia poll workers w won’t let me within 25 feet of their mail processing process? What turnip truck did you fall off of. (BTW, you language needs to be sanitized.)
    Fletcher, The Moderator

  3. I thought you were Standing Up for free speech.

  4. Stand up for decorum ...
