Saturday, May 01, 2021

Lighting a Candle

“It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

A while back I wore a blog post about a courageous math teacher at a school I once briefly taught at who stood up to the corrosive culture that seems to be invading out lives ... see: Graceless (Upated).

His name is Paul Rossi and I recently got an email from him thanking me for my support in which he included a request for joining his cause:

“In case you haven't heard of it already, FAIR: Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism is a new organization that I am volunteering with and heartily recommend if you want to get involved. Sign up here if you can devote any time, even a couple hours a week to help in your state:


With all deliberate speed we are developing a sane alternative ethnic studies curriculum and training materials to restore a pro-human liberal culture to our schools, workplaces, and institutions. We are also organizing chapters nationwide to get everyone connected so that we can pursue advocacy in states and localities.”

Now, I am a 82-year-old half-blind crippled has-been — an unlikely firebrand. But I can light a single candle with my hope that there are a few of you kind readers who are such torch-bearers and could help in this effort. If so, please contact Paul Rossi at his email address:

Thanks pilgrims,

George Potts


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